Sunday, January 17, 2010


Just when you think you've got everything figured throws you a curve ball! Just letting you know I'm going through some personal issues so if I'm a little lax in blogging I hope you understand! In the interim...enjoy some beautiful decor!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

De-FUNKtiFING the FUNK....

Okay, so the best way to get out of a FUNK, especially if your a junker, is to approach it head on...that means AUCTION TIME BABY!

There's an auction tomorrow night....not a fabulous one...but one that, perhaps, will get me out of my FUNK and back into JUNK heaven. Here are some pics of the auction...again, not fabulous but something that may get me in gear!

This yellow wall shelf is fabulous....oh, please I need it...I'm going to tell everyone (because we are all friends) that I need it to get me out of my FUNK! Yeah, right like that will work!

This green little cabinet is better in person...

Okay, do I need to say more....if I get this it is going in my powder bathroom in my new house!

Lots of quilts....

I just thought these little rabbits were cute....

Hats...tons of Hats!

Love this pic...screams shabby!

This pic was pretty awesome as well...has a felt surround...really old!

Two mannequin heads....

Cute little child's rocking chair...

My plan this weekend is to head to my neglected booths and do a complete takes so long but it really helps sales!
What are your plans....anything fun?
BTW...its snowing again. In Virginia we hardly EVER get snow...did I hear someone say "global warming"?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

IN a FUNK to JUNK.....

Say WHAT? Can IT be TRUE?

Yes, for about a month now I've been in such a auctions, excursions to antique stores, JUST NOTHING....hence, no postings! BUT, I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
To make matters worse, I've not even been to my booths for about a month and a half...I have lots of stuff sitting here that needs to go but there's no mo' in my joe'!
So I started pursing your blogs and magazines to see if would give me some umph...and lo and behold I think these pics helped me.
Do you ever get that way? Perhaps I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) because it gets dark so early and its ever so chilly...

Hope your having a good day!