Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Balancing ACT....

That's what its been for over a month...nothing but a balancing act!
A rotation of this...

(the thing that pays the bills and allows me to junk)

Moving (@*%@!*^)

Getting 1st home ready to sell (warm weather = mowing 6 acres)

Decorating and putting 2nd home in order

Booth 1

Booth 2

ShabbyVilla Website

Needless to say, I've not done a great job at anyone of them
except the job...ya know, the one that pays the bills!
I do have some sense of reality!


I've learned a little bit about myself

So here it is....

Undeniably ...I'm a hoarder (can it be?)

Yes...a hoarder!
Acknowledging is the first step to recovery (LOL)

so they say....

I've got enough junk for three homes...

Houston, I think we have a problem...no, I KNOW I have a problem!

As a pack I notice things that I bought to sell BUT there they are...sitting in all their glory!
Hopeless...that's what I am...
I just can't seem to let go...

Needless to say, when I can breath, I'll share some of my treasures with you...PROMISE!
its even in writing...so, you can remind me...REALLy
Obviously I need prompting....

Another revelation....

I've got a super family...great friends...both that support and love me!

no matter what BONEHEAD things I do...
AND beleive me....I do a lot of them!
Hence me selling my house I absolutely LOVE!
Long story...but needs to be done!


Regardless of adversity...I've remained optimistic and strong!

So, let me show you what I've been up to at my new house...
Keep in mind...
I still have not moved everything from my old house
far far from it...tons of stuff still there
here is the before and after pics of my family room/entryway
in all likelihood
it will change
but for now...a glimpse of my decor!
Before (OMG...look at the paint and the furniture)


(the breakfast/lunch sign still needs to be hung...hard to do with no ladder)

(trying everything I can to hide the ginormous TV)

More to come my bloggy friends....have a super day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Other Four Letter Word....

Yes, its snowing again...
Will it ever stop?
I need SPRING!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Less Really More?

That is the question I've been pondering lately....
And when I thought about it
and really thought about it
my answered varied....
Case in Point...
Do I need several cars?

Do I need a big house?

Do I need lots of expensive clothes?

Do I need lots of shoes?

Okay, that's waaaay too crazy...every girl needs lot of shoes...lol..

But really...

Do we need all these things or just want them...

Do they satisfy a void or is it just temporary?

In my opinion, less is more in the above examples..

I'm satisfied with my small qauint house...

Too many cars require more maintenance...

Expensive clothes need dry cleaning...

Okay, I'm not even going to touch the shoe example...

So, why when it comes to my house
am I struggling?
I look at your blogs and I see your beautiful homes..
decorated in their glory...ahhh so gorgeous they are...
with minimal knick knacks or clutter...
and I feel a sense of serenity...
I'm drawn to it...

Each and every time I say "I want to declutter my home to gain that sense of tranquility"

and every time I try it

I lose my identity

that comfy cozy feeling my treasures give me!

and so I'm torn....

Let me show you what I mean....

To me...this is less...simple and elegant!

Where, this is more...comfy and cozy!

The vignettes are what give me the sense of HOME!
So, what is your style?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just Piddling....

It's just so hard to piddle
when three quarters of your stuff
is in another house...

But, take a look at my breakfast nook...its
no where near finished BUT
its a start
love the green and white together..
does it not scream
WICKER...one of my favs....so awesome!
More to come...
never in my life have I had bare walls
look at the walls in the backroom (my family room) and that GInormous TV
Need to hide it...what to do, what to do!
Soon, I'll add more treasures...
With each trip I bring more stuff..
one day the movers will come and it will be
In the interim, I work with what I have...
and piddle!

I'll be adding some items to the ShabbyVilla real soon....
so, I hope you come back and visit with me again..
JUST to say hello!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I HEART These Bedrooms...

My heart just goes
pidder padder
when I see these gorgeous bedrooms...

and just in time for Valentines Day...

granted, I might not be in the mood for romance

but these pics are therapeutic to both my heart and soul

Let the healing begin....