That is the question I've been pondering lately....
And when I thought about it
and really thought about it
my answered varied....
Case in Point...
Do I need several cars?
Do I need a big house?
Do I need lots of expensive clothes?
Do I need lots of shoes?
Okay, that's waaaay too crazy...every girl needs lot of
But really...
Do we need all these things or just want them...
Do they satisfy a void or is it just temporary?
In my opinion, less is more in the above examples..
I'm satisfied with my small qauint house...
Too many cars require more maintenance...
Expensive clothes need dry cleaning...
Okay, I'm not even going to touch the shoe example...
So, why when it comes to my house
am I struggling?
I look at your blogs and I see your beautiful homes..
decorated in their glory...ahhh so gorgeous they are...
with minimal knick knacks or clutter...
and I feel a sense of serenity...
I'm drawn to it...
Each and every time I say "I want to declutter my home to gain that sense of tranquility"
and every time I try it
I lose my identity
that comfy cozy feeling my treasures give me!
and so I'm torn....
Let me show you what I mean....
To me...this is less...simple and elegant!

Where, this is more...comfy and cozy!

The vignettes are what give me the sense of HOME!
So, what is your style?