All words that describe these beautiful rooms....

Funny thing, there's a theme that is prevalent in all the pictures
it's WHITE...
I love white...but, when it comes to my own decor
it's not always white
I recently purchased a sectional couch and it's not white
its a light colored green
I've been looking a long time, I mean a long long time, for a sectional..
I wanted this one from Pottery Barn
but it was $ 2500.00...
and I think that's ridiculously expensive for a couch...
I paid 800.00 for the one I purchased
Haven't gotten it was back ordered!
it was on sale, and they had already sold 15
funny thing though
the guy asked me if I wanted to get the couch scotch guarded...
he did his little spiel about "it costs blah blah blah and if I didn'tt ever use it over the course of 5 years
they would refund my money"
I laughed and said "you don't understand, furniture is very disposable to me...
I probably will not even have it in 2 years, let alone 5"
My current couch has been there less than 2 years..
So, another reason why I couldn't justify the $2500.00
plus. I'm just too darn cheap!!
Being in the antique business makes you always think you
can buy things at auction for less...
However, I think I'm going to splurge and get the floor lamp from Pottery Barn
the one that is in the pic above with the sectional...
it's 319.00...OUCH!!
but, its really cool...
so, here I wait patiently for my new couch to arrive.
I'll take some pics of the room when it arrives
Hope ya'll have a good weekend!
Wilderness Man is coming home tonight...he's been outta town all week for work
I missed him...